Soyons personnels

My First Pitch, Big Dreams, and the Future of Moon & Milk

My First Pitch, Big Dreams, and the Future of M...

On September 19th, I was notified that out of 270 small business owners, I had been selected to participate in a pitch competition to win a $20k grant for Moon...

My First Pitch, Big Dreams, and the Future of M...

On September 19th, I was notified that out of 270 small business owners, I had been selected to participate in a pitch competition to win a $20k grant for Moon...

Beaded Earrings and Cultural Appropriation

Embracing Seed Bead Earrings: Celebrating Culture, Not Cultural Appropriation Boho seed bead earrings have surged in popularity, captivating fashion enthusiasts with their vibrant colors and intricate designs. As these beautiful...

2 commentaires

Beaded Earrings and Cultural Appropriation

Embracing Seed Bead Earrings: Celebrating Culture, Not Cultural Appropriation Boho seed bead earrings have surged in popularity, captivating fashion enthusiasts with their vibrant colors and intricate designs. As these beautiful...

2 commentaires

Creativity Is An Act of Bravery

This past weekend I watched “I Am: Celine Dion” and I was so profoundly touched that I was inspired to write a blog after an entire year without writing! I...

Creativity Is An Act of Bravery

This past weekend I watched “I Am: Celine Dion” and I was so profoundly touched that I was inspired to write a blog after an entire year without writing! I...

Sur la recherche sans fin de la liberté

"Toute vie sur terre dépend de la liberté de mouvement". - Morgan FREEMAN

Sur la recherche sans fin de la liberté

"Toute vie sur terre dépend de la liberté de mouvement". - Morgan FREEMAN

June Pride - Prenez l'espace

Je sais ce que c'est que de se sentir inadéquat. Avoir l'impression de ne pas appartenir. Nous avons tous entendu parler du syndrome de l'imposteur, le faux sentiment d'être un...

June Pride - Prenez l'espace

Je sais ce que c'est que de se sentir inadéquat. Avoir l'impression de ne pas appartenir. Nous avons tous entendu parler du syndrome de l'imposteur, le faux sentiment d'être un...

Switzerland and the Million Dollar View

La Suisse et la vue à un million de dollars

Ma première fois en Suisse remonte en fait à 2018. J'avais prévu des vacances de trois semaines en France, en Suisse et en Italie, une semaine pour chaque pays. Quand...

La Suisse et la vue à un million de dollars

Ma première fois en Suisse remonte en fait à 2018. J'avais prévu des vacances de trois semaines en France, en Suisse et en Italie, une semaine pour chaque pays. Quand...